viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

Seguimos con la búsqueda de la moto perfecta...

Pasan los días, las semanas... pasa lo más valioso del mundo: EL TIEMPO!!!!

Pasa y no pasa nada....  Desesperante...

Me he puesto en contacto con todas las marcas de motos que me han interesado.
Unos contestaron inmediatamente... otros se han tomado su tiempo, pero contestaron.
Y otros... no han mostrado el mínimo interés.
Yo me pregunto: "si para vender muestran tan poco interés, cómo sera cuando tenga un problema???"

Dura refrexión.....

Friday, February 1, 2013 
We continue with the search of the perfect bike ... 
The most valuable thing in the world: TIME!! So many days have passed, even weeks ... 
Time has passed and nothing has happened.... This is driving me crazy... I have contacted several motorcycle brands that I'm interested in. Some of them have answered immediately... Some others have taken their time, but eventually they answered. And others... They haven't shown even the slightest bit of interest. 
So I ask myself, "If they're trying to sell something, why aren't they putting in more effort in selling it? And what happens if I ever have a problem? Are they going to help me?" 
Just something to think about .....

Hace unos días tuve la oportunidad de probar una Yamaha Teneré 660. Buena moto, suave, fácil de conducir aunque muy alta. Muy ligera y fácil de meter por cualquier sitio. Me pareció un poco inestable a alta velocidad. Poca potencia y monocilíndrica, características que me frenan para decidirme por este modelo...

A few days ago I had the opportunity to try a Yamaha Tenere 660. What a great bike, smooth, easy to drive but a bit tall for me. Very light and easy to get around. I found it a little unstable at high speeds though. Low power and single-cylinder, these characteristics made me a bit skeptical for me to 
choose this model...

Hoy me he reunido con el gerente de "Auto Repuestos Fierro,S.L.", Concesionario Suzuki Motos provincia de S/C de Tenerife y Concesionario Suzuki Off Road y ATV-Quads para Canarias.
La reunión corta pero intensa. Creo que tanto Suzuki como yo tenemos ganas de sacar este proyecto adelante. No tengo conocimiento de nadie que haya dado la vuelta al mundo con esta marca. Las cartas sobre la mesa por ambas partes y ahora veremos si podemos acercar posturas...
La moto me gusta, tiene buena reputación en cuanto a moto polivalente, de bajo mantenimiento y gran fiabilidad. En su contra y bajo el criterio de mi viaje considero el depósito pequeño (20litros) y estéticamente no tan bonita. Los foros hablan maravillas de ella y tan solo el defecto de la mala aerodinámica de la cúpula, aunque apuntan varias maneras para resolverlo.

Today I've met with the Manager for "Auto Parts Fierro, SL" Suzuki Motorcycle Dealers, Provincia S/C de Tenerife and Dealer Suzuki Off Road and ATV-Quads for the Canaries. It was a short but intense meeting. I think both Suzuki and I want to take this project forward. I am not aware of anyone who has been around the world using this brand. Both sides have placed our cards on the table. Now let's see if we can come to a compromise... I like the bike, it has a good reputation as a versatile bike. It's low maintenance and has a high reliability. One of the cons in my opinion is that it only holds 20 liters of fuel, and for my trip, I consider that a small tank and not as aesthetically beautiful. Forums rave about it and the only defect is the poor aerodynamics of the dome. However they show you several ways to solve it.

El martes tengo una cita con Canauto, el distribuidor de BMW para la provincia de Tenerife.  Ellos me conocen por motos anteriores que les he comprado. Nada mas contarles por teléfono el próximo proyecto tuve toda la ayuda posible y una buena oferta. La moto que me ofrecieron es mi favorita, la BMW F800GS. El descuento extraordinario y solo queda limar asperezas y llegar a un acuerdo. Veremos dentro de unos días que me plantean.

On Tuesday I have an appointment with Canauto, a distributer for the BMW dealer for the province of Tenerife. They know me from the previous bikes I've purchased from them. All I needed to tell them on the phone was about my new project and I got lots of help and a great deal from them. The bike they offered me is a favorite of mine, the BMW F800GS. The special discount was extordinary, now all that there is left to do was work out our differences and come to an agreement. We'll see in a few days on what they have decided. 

Tengo que reconocer que en el viaje por el continente americano me tropezaría unas 30 motos haciendo grandes viajes. El 75% eran BMW y el 25% restante Suzuki. Tan solo una Honda y era la mía...
Será que estaban todos equivocados o el equivocado era yo???

I have to admit that in the journey through the Americas, I stumbled upon at least 30 of those bikes making my big trips. 75% of them were BMW and 25% of them were Suzuki, there was also one Honda but that was mine... Can it be that they were all wrong or was I wrong?? 

Sigue pasando el tiempo y con ello aumenta mi desesperación...

Time keeps passing and with that so does my desperation...