Cuántas veces queremos comprar algún artículo de electrónica y no sabemos donde ir?
Cuántas veces tenemos una avería y no sabemos a que técnico de electrónica acudir?
Cuántas veces el "dichoso" móvil se empeña en no conectar a internet y no sabemos quién nos lo puede configurar?
Cuántas veces.... Cuántas veces..... Cuántas veces...????
Monday, June 23, 2014
Digital Minds. The world of electronics.
How many times have we wanted to buy an electronic device and do not know where to get it?
many times our electronics have a breakdown and don't know which
technician to take it to? How many times has this device been stuborn
and not want to connect to the internet and we don't know how to fix it
How many many times .....??
Hablemos de gente seria que nos recibe con una sonrisa, expertos en la electrónica más actualizada del mercado, y un servicio técnico eficiente y actualizado.
Digital Minds, Distribuidor y especialistas en Informática, Imagen, Telefonía, accesorios, consumibles, etc.
Distribuidor Oficial de GOPRO con todos los accesorios y cámaras.
Let's talk about the serious people who always welcomed us
with a smile, these people are very skilled in the latest electronics
market, and count with an efficient and updated service.
Minds, Retail and in computing specialists, Image, Phones, accessories,
supplies, etc.. Official Distributor GOPRO with all the accessories and
Buscando los accesorios de electrónica para mi moto, Jimena, encontré por casualidad la empresa Digital Minds. Desde el primer momento, José y Ardiel me atendieron como si fuera cliente de toda la vida... Ahora se que seré "cliente para toda la vida".
No hubo un "no" para nada. Lo que tenían perfecto y lo que no, lo buscaban.
While looking for electronic accessories for my bike Jimena, I came across the company Digital Minds. From the outset, Joseph and Ardiel treated me like lifetime customer... Now I will be a "customer for life." There was no "no" to anything. They're so efficient at what they do, that they were able to get what I was looking for in no time at all.
While looking for electronic accessories for my bike Jimena, I came across the company Digital Minds. From the outset, Joseph and Ardiel treated me like lifetime customer... Now I will be a "customer for life." There was no "no" to anything. They're so efficient at what they do, that they were able to get what I was looking for in no time at all.
Las configuraciones, el soporte post venta y la formación garantizada.
Y en cuanto a los precios... perfecto!. Ni en internet encontré ofertas mejores...
Fascinados por el viaje que pronto emprenderemos, pusieron a mi disposición todos los medios disponibles para dotar a "Jimena" de toda la última tecnología...
The configurations, the post sale support and training
guaranteed. As for prices ... perfect!. You can't even find great deals
like these on the internet...
Fascinated by the trip I am soon embark, They put at my disposal
all the means available to provide "Jimena" with all the latest
technology ...
Más tarde, incluso expusimos a mi compañera de aventuras en tus tienda....
Later that day, ....We displayed Jimena at their store.
Su lema, su frase, su eslogan impresiona: "Sean bienvenidos a Digital Minds, un mundo Digital que pone a su alcance un universo de posibilidades."...
Even their slogan is impressive: " welcome to Digital Minds a Digital world that brings you a world of possibilities." ...
Even their slogan is impressive: " welcome to Digital Minds a Digital world that brings you a world of possibilities." ...