Mientras pasan las semanas y voy decidiéndome por uno u otro modelo, no olvido que tengo que prepararme para tal aventura.
Desde la forma física, la resistencia y la práctica en moto. Aunque no he dejado de montar en moto si he perdido la práctica a estar horas y horas conduciendo sin parar.
Como entrenamiento, me apunto a todas las excursiones y concentraciones que se hacen en la isla. Y cuando no se organizan las organizo yo con un grupo de amigos.
Igual me da la cilindrada, el día y la ruta... todo es cuestión de manejar las dos ruedas con total soltura.
José Yagüe, un gran amigo, organizó dos concentraciones de motos tipo "dax". Una veintena de pilotos con "motitos" nos juntamos para pasar unas buenas jornadas.
Allí acudí con "Margarita", una preciosa Yamaha Chappy del año 1987 que restaure hace unos meses.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
first days of training ...
As the weeks go by and still I'm undecided on which model I should go for, I can't forget that I still have to get ready for such an adventure. working on my fitness, resistance and practice riding the bike. Although I have not stopped riding motorbikes I know I've lost practice of riding for hours and hours without stopping. As part of the training goes, I have signed up for all kinds of tours and rallies that are taking place in the island. And when they aren't any then I create one with a group of friends. ... I don't really care that it takes days or which road I took, it was all about riding on two wheels with absolute freedom. Jose Yague, a great friend, organized two concentrations for motorcycle lovers a "dax" type of reunion.We were about twenty pilots with "motitos" (small bikes) the idea was to get together have a good time and enjoy our journey . I took "Margarita" with me, a beautiful 1987 Yamaha Chappy, that I restored a few months ago.
Una visita a la isla muy deseada. Los amigos de "Canarias en moto" realizando el proyecto "Ruta 88" que consiste en recorrer los 88 pueblos de nuestro maravilloso archipiélago.
Allí estábamos "Linda" y yo para acompañarles.
Ahora un montón de nuevos amigos que el mundo del motociclismo nos ha regalado.
A highly desired visit to the Island. The "Canarias en moto" friends were performing the "Ruta 88" project, which consists to explore the 88 villages of our wonderful archipelago. There was "Linda" and I to accompany them. Now there is a lot of new friends that the motorcycling world has given us.
Seguimos con los entrenamientos, creo que esta navidad me toca la montaña y el enduro...
We continue with the training, I think this Christmas I should try the mountain and enduro surface...