Se perfectamente lo que quiero... pero eso que quiero NO EXISTE!!!!
Cómo es la moto que busco?
Ligera y fiable.
Rápida y fiable.
De poco consumo y fiable.
Pequeña y fiable.
Bicilíndrica y fiable
Trail y fiable
Con un buen servicio técnico detrás y fiable.
Post venta efectivo y fiable
Mecánica fácil y fiable
y por último... fiable!!!
Iremos eliminando las marcas que menos cumplen con las características que necesito.
La primera en eliminar es Honda. Considero que su fiabilidad deja mucho que desear y me dejo muy mal sabor de boca. Su servicio post-venta conmigo se porto fatal así que ni siquiera visité su stand en la feria. Bajo mi criterio no tiene ningún modelo que cumpla las características que estoy buscando.
Tambien descarto a Kawasaki. No soy seguidor de esa marca, apenas la conozco. La Versys 1000 me parecio "enorme" y la 650 no tiene muy buena reputación.
Las italianas, aunque preciosas, no son las motos que estoy buscando. Ducati, Aprilia, Benelli etc. motos muy poco desarrolladas en el Trail y con mas experiencia en el racing que en los viajes de aventura.
Bueno.. ya son algunas marcas menos... algunos dolores de cabeza menos....
Choosing the right one! First drops and discards ...
With a number of catalogs in my hands, impressions I hold close to my heart, the advice of friends and my experience , I start selecting the bike. I know exactly what I want ... but that I want DOES NOT EXIST
How is the bike I want?
Lightweight and reliable.
Quick and reliable.
Of low consumption and reliable.
Small and reliable.
Two-cylinder fuel-efficient and reliable
Trail and reliable
With a good technical back and reliable service.
Post sale effective and reliable
Easy and reliable
Easy mechanics and finally ... reliable!
We will take out all the brands with features that won't satisfy or meet my needs. The first one off my the Honda. I consider its reliability leaves a great deal to be desired, I was very dissapointed, it left me with a really bad experience. their Post-sales service staff were very rude. I didn't even bother on visiting their booth at the fair.In my opinion they didn't have at least one model that meets the characteristics I'm looking for. I also chuck the Kawasaki. I'm not a fan of that brand, I barely know it. The Versys 1000 to me seemed "huge" and the 650 lacks good reputation. The Italian brands although beautiful, are not quite what I'm looking for. Ducati, Aprilia, Benelli etc. all these motorcycles have poorly grow in the market, however they're best known as bikes for racing but most definetely not for moto adventuters.
Well .. now there are only a few brands less to choose from ...and fewer headaches to complain about....